
Discover and learn about your body, brain and paths to healing and wellness.


Discover and learn about your body, brain and paths to healing and wellness.

“How you look and feel can be directly related to your posture. We all know that a good posture is important, but most of us don’t do much about it. We go about our lives with our imbalanced hips and hunched shoulders, and deal with discomfort and pain because we feel this is normal.”

“Every time you have a thought your brain changes! How can this be possible? This famous saying, from psychologist, Donald Hebb pretty much sums it up, “Neurons that fire together, wire together”. With each thought, a synaptic connection is formed or strengthened.”

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How Hellerwork Structural Integration Changed my Life

How Hellerwork Structural Integration Changed my Life

Are you new to Hellerwork Structural Integration, Curious but not quite sure what it’s all about? Well let me tell you a bit about this amazing modality and my journey into Hellework.Hellerwork Structural Integration is a powerful system of somatic education and...

Every Time You Have a Thought Your Brain Changes

Every Time You Have a Thought Your Brain Changes

Every time you have a thought your brain changes! How can this be possible? This famous saying, from psychologist, Donald Hebb pretty much sums it up, “Neurons that fire together, wire together”. With each thought, a synaptic connection is formed or strengthened. Our...

Your Posture Says a Lot

Your Posture Says a Lot

Your posture says a lot about your personality. It also says a lot about how your joints and muscles are working and most importantly how your fascia health is doing. People often ask what is fascia and why is it so important? Fascia is also considered the organ of...