Nourishing Your Nervous System

A 5-week Course with 5 Internationally Recognized Women

Nourishing Your Nervous System

A 5-week Course with 5 Internationally Recognized Women

From Surviving to Thriving


We are honoured to share these life changing practices with you.

Nourishing Your Nervous System is an empowering and accessible program that will help you cultivate resilience, start the process of healing from trauma, increase your vitality and reduce the overall effects of stress so you may thrive in even the most challenging times!

If you are new to how the nervous system functions or are already in the field of somatic psychology, this course is for all levels and designed to teach you simple and direct methods that support the regulation and nourishment of your nervous system.

This course offers many accessible tools for working with trauma and your nervous system. Along with learning valuable theory, you will develop resources and embodiment practices that regulate and nourish your nervous system.

You will also learn how to feel and recognize the subtle language of your nervous system, resulting in the cultivation of vitality, connection, love and joy.

Embodiment is an essential foundation on the wellness path that helps you strengthen your resiliency and capacity to hold yourself through life’s inevitable challenges. The embodiment path fortifies your ability to digest and process residual emotion and trauma while nurturing thriving health on all levels. This work healthfully impacts your ancestral lines and ultimately the world.

Body | Mind | Soul

We wish you health, vitality and joy!

Join us for a transformational 5-module journey into the innate intelligence of your nervous system. Weaving cutting-edge neuroscience with ancient body wisdom, discover embodied, somatic approaches to healing trauma and rgulating your nervous system.

Cultivating Healing in the World

One Nervous System at a Time!


Curiosity opens the gateway for deeper learning. From this place, we begin to practice embodiment and learn to feel the stories that your body holds as lived experience.

When you practice with curious inquiry, you may discover new facets of your own inner truth and develop a deeper connection to who you really are.

This offers space to create more compassion, empathy, resilience and love for yourself and others.

This course may help you begin this process of curious inquiry, teaching you tools to begin to learn about your nervous system patterns and ways to bring more regulation, nourishment and compassion to your wellness journey.


Embodiment practices invite you to come home to your body and connect with your body’s innate intelligence.

When you have experienced trauma, you may left your body as a way to cope with the overwhelm. Somatic practices are invitations to heal trauma and regulate your nervous system. When you are able to feel deeply into your present moment experiences of joy, wonder and gratitude, you can then gently open to embody the painful, disconnected aspects of life.

This course will share with you many tools and resources to help you engage with care on this journey of coming home to your amazing body.


Somatic practices offer tools to support self-regulation, inviting the experience of feeling & sensing your body while growing your window of tolerance.

By working with practices of inquiry and embodiment, you learn how to better cope with stress, as well as life’s inevitable challenges.

Your life story is unique. By doing this work you bring more resilience to the areas that may be triggering and difficult. When resilience expands, life may become more fluid, peaceful and freeing.

This course will explore with you somatic practices to help you grow this resilience with your emotions, mind, body, and spirit.

Enjoy a Sample Orienting Exercise Right Now

A 5-Week Course

With 5 Internationally Recognized Women

Dr. Sharon Stanley

Dr. Sharon Stanley

Andrea Larson

Andrea Larsen



Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown

Christy Greenwood

Christy Greenwood

Each week will include somatic theory and hands on embodiment and somatic practices taking you on a journey through your nervous system.

Discover the skills of embodiment, regulation, presence, inquiry, empathy, resilience and connection.

What you will receive

    • 23 Videos
    • 38 PDFs
    • 11+ Hours of Instructional Video
    • Private facebook page where we can connect
    • One-on-one support can be added to assist you on this journey to wholeness by booking with one of our facilitators privately

Week 1 Course Description

Foundations of your Nervous System and Somatic Practices for Healing Trauma

Presented by Dr. Sharon Stanley

Dr. Sharon Stanley is a psychotherapist, educator and writer living on Bainbridge Island, Washington. As a long-time student of neuropsychology, Sharon has integrated a variety of somatic practices for healing complex trauma into a relational, humanistic and phenomenological model called Somatic Transformation.

At the core of Somatic Transformation is embodied empathy, the practice of feeling into another’s inner world with a bodily-based attunement, connectivity and inquiry.

Grounded in relational practices for integrating complex trauma and guided by emerging research in Interpersonal Neurobiology, Sharon has taught this model to thousands of practitioners over the past 25 years. In 2016, Routledge published her book: Relational and Body-Centered Practices for Healing Trauma: Lifting the Burdens of the Past. Sharon is currently researching concepts and practices for a book on Spiritual Trauma.

At the core of Somatic Transformation is embodied empathy, the practice of feeling into another’s inner world with a bodily-based attunement, connectivity and inquiry.

Grounded in relational practices for integrating complex trauma and guided by emerging research in Interpersonal Neurobiology, Sharon has taught this model to thousands of practitioners over the past 25 years. In 2016, Routledge published her book: Relational and Body-Centered Practices for Healing Trauma: Lifting the Burdens of the Past. Sharon is currently researching concepts and practices for a book on Spiritual Trauma.

What you will Learn in Week 1


Nervous System Basics

Vagus Nerve

Poly Vagal Theory

Intro to the Brain

What is Trauma

Developmental Neuroscience





Orienting for Trauma

Generational Trauma

6 Therapeutic Practices for Trauma

Somatic Meditations

Chanting for clearing energy

Embodied Dreamwork

And More!

What you will Learn in Week 1

  • Nervous System Basics
  • Vagus Nerve
  • Poly Vagal Theory
  • Intro to the Brain
  • What is Trauma
  • Developmental Neuroscience
  • Grounding
  • Pendulation
  • Breathwork
  • Titration
  • Orienting for Trauma
  • Generational Trauma
  • 6 Therapeutic Practices for Trauma
  • Somatic Meditations
  • Chanting for clearing energy
  • Embodied Dreamwork
  • And More!

Week 2 Course Description

Enteric Nervous System, Gut Brain Connection and Ways to Support your Nervous System

Presented by Andrea Larsen

I’m a mom of 3 from a small town with a big heart and a big vision. 

I aim to help thousands of people achieve great health by combining professional coaching with effective education so that they don’t have to trial and error their way to wellbeing any longer.

I help clients learn how to nourish their bodies, form a healthful mindset and create a thriving inner ecology through nutrition, herbal medicine and lifestyle coaching.

As an Herbalist, and Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant, I’ve spent the past 15 years helping people take back their health by turning to what nature has already lovingly and intelligently provided for us.

I aim to help thousands of people achieve great health by combining professional coaching with effective education so that they don’t have to trial and error their way to wellbeing any longer.

I help clients learn how to nourish their bodies, form a healthful mindset and create a thriving inner ecology through nutrition, herbal medicine and lifestyle coaching.

As an Herbalist, and Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant, I’ve spent the past 15 years helping people take back their health by turning to what nature has already lovingly and intelligently provided for us.

What you will Learn in Week 2


Enteric Nervous System

Stress and the Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System

Limbic Brain

Gut Brain Connection

Vagus Nerve and the Microbiome

Auto Immune

Stress and Perceptions

Gut Health and Disease


Simplicity Parenting

Fermented Foods

Herbal Medicine


And More!

What you will Learn in Week 2

  • Enteric Nervous System
  • Stress and the Nervous System
  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • Limbic Brain
  • Gut Brain Connection
  • Vagus Nerve and the Microbiome
  • Auto Immune
  • Stress and Perceptions
  • Gut Health and Disease
  • Mindset
  • Simplicity Parenting
  • Fermented Foods
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Aromatherapy
  • And More!

Week 3 Course Description

Embodying Spirit Nature: The Nervous System as it Relates to Spiritual Unfolding

Presented by Mukti

Mukti, whose name is translated as “Liberation”, is an Associate Teacher of Open Gate Sangha. Since 2004 she has been a guide in the practices of meditation, contemplation and self-inquiry, pointing to our nature as Spirit, expressed as the undivided state.

She brings flavors of healing, nurturing, quietude, and refreshing down-to-earth humanity to her talks, guided meditations, spiritual counsel, and qi gong instruction. She holds a Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine, a license in acupuncture, and a Hatha Yoga teaching certification.

These backgrounds in body awareness and the healing arts, as well as her years of studying the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Adyashanti, largely inform her presentations on the energetic unfolding of realization and embodiment.

She brings flavors of healing, nurturing, quietude, and refreshing down-to-earth humanity to her talks, guided meditations, spiritual counsel, and qi gong instruction. She holds a Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine, a license in acupuncture, and a Hatha Yoga teaching certification.

These backgrounds in body awareness and the healing arts, as well as her years of studying the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Adyashanti, largely inform her presentations on the energetic unfolding of realization and embodiment.

What you will Learn in Week 3



The Nervous System as it relates to Spiritual Unfolding

Energetics of Spirit and Embodying Spirit Nature

Teachings of Non Duality

Holding two states at once

Inquiry into Patterns and Beliefs

How beliefs may get concretized in the body

The work of Inquiry

Guided Somatic Meditation

Chi Gong Practice for your Nervous System

And More!

What you will Learn in Week 3

  • Embodiment
  • The Nervous System as it relates to Spiritual Unfolding
  • Energetics of Spirit and Embodying Spirit Nature
  • Teachings of Non Duality
  • Holding two states at once
  • Inquiry into Patterns and Beliefs
  • How beliefs may get concretized in the body
  • The work of Inquiry
  • Guided Somatic Meditation
  • Chi Gong Practice for your Nervous System
  • And More!

Week 4 Course Description

Inquiry into your Nervous System: Connecting with the Body’s Wisdom

Presented by Melissa Brown

Melissa has been in the field of Somatic practices for over 25 years. A Hellerwork Structural Integration Practitioner, Teacher, and Somatic Transformation Counseller, Embodiment Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Student of Functional Medicine.


Her practice is designed to help clients get to the root cause of their issues, integrating body, mind and spirit. Her passions are helping people come into alignment with who they really are and guiding a client towards a more balanced way of being. This involves working with the Nervous System, Fascia, and the Body-Mind Connection.

Melissa invites her clients to commit to the unfolding of their patterns, thoughts and beliefs, together creating a path to wellness and transformation. Embodying who you really are!

Her practice is designed to help clients get to the root cause of their issues, integrating body, mind and spirit. Her passions are helping people come into alignment with who they really are and guiding a client towards a more balanced way of being. This involves working with the Nervous System, Fascia, and the Body-Mind Connection.

Melissa invites her clients to commit to the unfolding of their patterns, thoughts and beliefs, together creating a path to wellness and transformation. Embodying who you really are!

What you will Learn in Week 4


Embodying the Psoas

Exploring Fixed Action Patterns in your body

Psoas, Your Nervous System and Trauma

Exercises for Psoas

Constructive Rest Pose

Rolf Pelvic Lift

Somatic Meditations

Breathwork for Parasympathetic States

Heart Intelligence

Working with Negative Emotions

Exploring Perceptions and Beliefs

Somatic Inquiry into Triggers, Thoughts, and Emotions

Window of Tolerance

Discovering Resilience in 4 Domains

Primary and Secondary Selves

Finding Your Line

Orientating to the Present Moment

And More!

What you will Learn in Week 4

  • Embodying the Psoas
  • Exploring Fixed Action Patterns in your body
  • Psoas, Your Nervous System and Trauma
  • Exercises for Psoas
  • Constructive Rest Pose
  • Rolf Pelvic Lift
  • Somatic Meditations
  • Breathwork for Parasympathetic States
  • Heart Intelligence
  • Working with Negative Emotions
  • Exploring Perceptions and Beliefs
  • Somatic Inquiry into Triggers, Thoughts, and Emotions
  • Window of Tolerance
  • Discovering Resilience in 4 Domains
  • Primary and Secondary Selves
  • Finding Your Line
  • Orientating to the Present Moment
  • And More!

Week 5 Course Description

An Embodiment Movement Practice to connect to the Wild Wisdom of your Innate Genius

Presented by Christy Greenwood

As a multi-modality therapist, I facilitate a bridge to the innate genius of body wisdom by inviting the rewilding and decolonizing of imagination and creativity.


I am a devotee to the creative spark who dances on unceded territory of the Quw’utsun mustiimihw (Cowichan People) near the Cowichan River on Vancouver Island, BC. I live as a Mama, wife, intuitive healing artist, photography enthusiast, dance facilitator and herbal artist encouraging connection to creative body wisdom.

I help people during life-pivoting and tender times to explore their growth edges and wild truth with gentleness and care. My intention is to embody compassionate grounding while providing sacred space with a side of humour to nourish the flame of loving truth.

I am a devotee to the creative spark who dances on unceded territory of the Quw’utsun mustiimihw (Cowichan People) near the Cowichan River on Vancouver Island, BC. I live as a Mama, wife, intuitive healing artist, photography enthusiast, dance facilitator and herbal artist encouraging connection to creative body wisdom.

I help people during life-pivoting and tender times to explore their growth edges and wild truth with gentleness and care. My intention is to embody compassionate grounding while providing sacred space with a side of humour to nourish the flame of loving truth.

What you will Learn in Week 5


Hatha Yoga Practice for Your Nervous System

Tapping for your Nervous System

Shaking to Restore Vitality

Guided Embodied Movement through your Chakras

Guided Embodied Rewilding Movement Practice

Restoring Rhythm

What you will Learn in Week 5

  • Hatha Yoga Practice for Your Nervous System
  • Tapping for your Nervous System
  • Shaking to Restore Vitality
  • Guided Embodied Movement through your Chakras
  • Guided Embodied Rewilding Movement Practice
  • Restoring Rhythm

Ready to Dive In?

Are You Curious?

But not ready for the full commitment yet?

If you are feeling like this course would be awesome, but not quite ready for a big commitment, please check out the Nourishing Your Nervous System Mini Course. This allows you to still learn amazing and profound practices and theory without having to fully commit to the whole course yet. If you do decide you would like to proceed with the full course, you will receive the $37 in credit towards the course purchase.

This course is brilliant. It shines a light on our nervous system from a variety of helpful perspectives; such important teachings for choosing health and well-being.

Dr. Lilli Ruth Rosenberg

Dive In

You have three options to begin Nourishing Your Nervous System:


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Nourishing Your Nervous System course, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.

Sample Orienting Exercise


How long do I have access to this course?

You will have this course for as long as it is online! As long as you are a member you have access to this course for life.


Can I take longer then 5 weeks to finish this course?

Yes you can take as long as you need to move through this course. It is designed for five weeks, but you may choose to move more quickly or slowly through this course. You may also want to repeat certain sections that you find helpful for your healing journey.


Does this course have a start and end date?

No. You may start this course when it suits you. This is not a live course.  

What if I find I need more support?

If you find that you have strong emotions coming to the surface or feel that you need more support while going through your healing journey, there are practitioners available from this course who can provide assistance to you.